G.C.E.(O/L)Competitive Examination for Recruitment to Grade III of Grama Niladhari -2020 (2021) (Gazette & Application)
Required Educational Qualifications
- G.C.E.(O/L) – should have passed six (06) subjects with credit passes for at least four (04) subjects including one of the first languages of Sinhala or Tamil and Mathematics at the General Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level) Examination at one sitting; and
- G.C.E.(A/L) – should have passed all the subjects in General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) Examination at one sitting (except General Paper and General English). Passing three (03) subjects in one sitting under the old syllabus shall suffice.
Age limit: 21 – 35
Salary scale: Rs.47,990
Address to post:
Commissioner General of Examination,
Establishment and Examinations Organization Branch,
Department of Examination,
Sri Lanka, P.O. Box 1503, Colombo
Online Application Closing Date: 2021-07-19